Coffee & Breastfeeding

Are you worried that you’ll have to give up your morning cup of joe habit while breastfeeding?  Yesterday I told you about why coffee can be good for you.  I’ve also told you about coffee safety during pregnancy.  But what about while nursing?

A cup of coffee while breastfeeding is fine!  In fact it’s probably very welcomed after sleepless nights.

Some babies might react negatively to the caffeine so watch out for these signs:

  • irritability
  • not sleeping well or for long periods
  • overly active

As babies age they might be able to tolerate it better.  So if you try having a cup of coffee and you know right away tht your newborn is not tolerating it, try again in a few months.

Remember moderate intake is considered 300 mg/day.  Try to limit yourself to one cup each day.

I love my morning cup of coffee.  I have it right after I feed my daughter in the morning.

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